Dynamic community detection

Create a synthetic graphs

The package CoDeBetHe allows to generate graphs with communities according to the dynamical degree corrected stochastic block model (D-DCSBM).

Let $T$ be the number of different snapshots that compose the dynamical graph $\{\mathcal{G}_t\}_{t=1,\dots,T}$. Suppose that each graph is composed by $n$ nodes and $k$ communities, with label vector $\bm{\ell}_t \in \{1,\dots,k\}^n$ and the adjacency matrix $A^{(t)} \in \{0,1\}^{n\times n}$ for $1\leq t\leq T$.
The label vector $\bm{\ell}_{t = 1}$ is initialized so that $\pi_a\cdot n$ nodes have label $a$. The labels are then updated for $2 \leq t \leq T$ according to the Markov process, where $\ell_{i_t}$ denote the label of node $i$ at time $t$.

\[\ell_{i_t} = \begin{cases} \ell_{i_{t-1}}~{\rm w.p.}~ \eta \\ a ~ {\rm w.p.}~ (1-\eta)\pi_a,~ a \in \{1,\dots k\} \end{cases}\]

Once the vector label is created, each adjacency matrix $A^{(t)}$ is drawn independently at random according to the degree-corrected stochastic block model (see Static community detection. The following lines of codes allow to generate a a graph sequence according to the D-DCSBM. First we initialize the parameters of the DCSBM

For a more precise description of the DCSBM, please refer to the Static community detection section.

using CoDeBetHe
using Distributions, DelimitedFiles, LinearAlgebra, DataFrames, StatsBase

## Parameter initialization

n = floor(Int64,10^(3.5)) # size of the networks (number of nodes)
k = 10 # number of clusters (k)
η = 0.7 # label persistence
T = 6 # number of time-steps

### vector θ

θ = rand(Uniform(3, 10),n).^3
θ = θ./mean(θ)
Φ = mean(θ.^2)

### vector π

var_π = 1
π_v = abs.(rand(Normal(1/k,var_π/(2*k)),k))
π_v = π_v/sum(π_v)

### matrix C

c = 8. # expected average degree
c_out = 1.5 # expected off diagonal-elements of C
f = 1/k # fluctuation of off diagonal elements
C = matrix_C(c_out,c,f,π_v) # creation of the matrix C

We then create the sequences $\{\bm{\ell}_t\}_{t=1,\dots,T}$ and $\{A^{(t)}\}_{t = 1,\dots,T}$

AT, ℓ_T = adjacency_matrix_DDCSBM(T, C, c, η, θ, π_v)

Load a synthetic data-set

At github.com/lorenzodallamico/CoDeBetHe, you can find the data-set needed to run the following example. The data are taken from the SocioPattern project.


If using this dataset, please give reference to the followings articles:

  • Mitigation of infectious disease at school: targeted class closure vs school closure,
  • High-Resolution Measurements of Face-to-Face Contact Patterns in a Primary School, PLOS ONE 6(8): e23176 (2011)
# Load the data

edge_list = convert(Array{Int64}, readdlm("datasets/el_primary.dat")) # this loads the edge list
index = convert(Array{Int64}, readdlm("datasets/index_primary.dat")) # this list is to identifies the identities corresponding to each node 
tt = convert(Array{Int64}, readdlm("datasets/times_primary.dat")) # this loads the time at which an edges was present

id = findall(index .== 1)
index = [id[i][1] for i=1:length(id)]

# Generate the temporal graph

T = maximum(tt)
n = maximum(unique(edge_list))+1
AT = [spdiagm(0 => zeros(n)) for i=1:T]

edge_list[:,1] = edge_list[:,1] .+ 1
edge_list[:,2] = edge_list[:,2] .+ 1

for t=1:T
    idx = Array(findall(tt .== t))
    idx = [idx[i][1] for i=1:length(idx)]
    el = edge_list[idx,:]
    AT[t] = sign.(sparse(el[:,1],el[:,2], ones(length(el[:,1])), n,n)) # create sparse adjacency matrix
    AT[t] = AT[t][index,index]
    AT[t] = AT[t] + AT[t]'

n = length(index)
T = findmin([sum(AT[t]) for t=1:T])[2]-2
AT = AT[1:T]

Infer the community structure from $\{A^{(t)}\}_{t = 1,\dots,T}$

We will show the basic usage of the function dynamic_community_detection_BH, applied to the SocioPattern network. For a more specific use of the outputs, please refer to the documentation of dynamic_community_detection_BH.

η = 0.55 # chose the value of η
k = 10 # set the number of communities

"""Optional inputs"""

approx_embedding = false # if true, uses the compressive approximate embedding.
# Else, full computation of the eigenspace associated to the negative eigenvalues of H

m = nothing # (useful only if approx_embedding == true); either set m to a nothing value,
# and an automatic m will be estimated (usually, the larger n, the larger the required m,
# the longer the computation) or set m to an Int64 if you want to specify the polynomial
# order used for the approximation (as a general rule: the larger m, the more precise the
# approximate embedding, thus the better the result, but the longer the computation time)

verbose = 1; #set to 0 for no verbosity; 1 for some verbosity

cluster = dynamic_community_detection_BH(AT, η, k; approx_embedding = approx_embedding, m = m, verbose=verbose)
o Creating the dynamical Bethe Hessian matrix H (of size nT = 7986).

o Computing the eigenvectors associated to all negative eigenvalues of H:
Computing a first estimate for k_neg: found k_neg = 120 (with a polynomial approximation with a mean polynomial order of 136).
Trying for k_neg = 120
The computed embedding is of dimension 114.

o Computing k-means for each time step