Static community detection

Create a synthetic graphs

The package CoDeBetHe allows to generate graphs with communities according to the degree corrected stochastic block model (DC-SBM).

Let $\mathcal{G}$ be a graph with $n$ nodes and $k$ communities. Let $\bm{\ell} \in \{1,\dots,k\}^n$ be the label vector and $A \in \{0,1\}^{n\times n}$ the adjacency matrix whose entry $A_{ij}=1$ if and only if $(ij)$ is an edge of $\mathcal{G}$.
The vector $\bm{\theta} \in \mathbb{R}^n$, satisfying $\frac{1}{n}\sum_i\theta_i = 1$ and $\frac{1}{n}\sum_i\theta_i^2 = \Phi$, for some $\Phi \in \mathbb{R}$. The expected degree of the node $i$ will be proportional to $\theta_i$ and therefore the vector $\bm{\theta}$ can be used to reproduce an arbitrary degree distribution in the graph $\mathcal{G}$.
The matrix $C\in\mathbb{R}^{k\times k}$ then contains at its entry $C_{ab}$ the affinity between class $a$ and class $b$.

The entries of the adjacency matrix $A$ are generated independently at random according to

\[\mathbb{P}(A_{ij} = 1|\ell_i,\ell_j) = \theta_i\theta_j \frac{C_{\ell_i,\ell_j}}{n}\]

The following lines of codes allow to generate a graph with communities according to the DC-SBM

using CoDeBetHe
using Distributions, DelimitedFiles, LinearAlgebra, DataFrames, StatsBase

n = floor(Int64,10^(4)) # size of the network (number of nodes)
k = 10 # number of clusters (k)

### vector θ
θ = rand(Uniform(3, 10),n).^3.5 # with this we induce a power law degree distribution
θ = θ./mean(θ) # we impose that \sum_i \theta_i = n

The definition of the vector $θ$ should be made according to the degree distribution distribution one whishes to have. In this example we would obtain a power law degree degree distribution, while for a homogeneous degree distribution (recovering the classical stochastic block model), one should simply set $\theta_i = 1,~\forall~i$. The normalization line should not be changed, instead.

We now proceed choosing the size of each class. To do so we introduce a vector $\bm{\pi} \in \mathbb{R}^k$ whose entry $\pi_a$ indicates the fraction of nodes that are in class $a, \left(\sum_{a = 1}^k \pi_a = 1\right)$. We then define matrix $\Pi = {\rm diag}(\bm{\pi})$. Here is an example of how to build the vector $\bm{\pi}$, using gaussian random variables, centered in $1/k$.

### vector π
π_v = abs.(rand(Normal(1/k,1/(2*k)),k)) # we take the abs, because π_v[i] > 0 for all i
π_v = π_v/sum(π_v) # Normalize the vector (do not change this line)

Finally, we create the matrix $C$ with the function matrix_C. The matrix $C$ is created so that all the rows of the matrix $C\Pi$ sum up to $c$, the expected average degree of the network. This conditions implies that the expected average degree is independent of the class: otherwise, by simply looking at the degree distribution one could infer the community structure.
Further degrees of freedom in the definition of $C$ are added through the the parameter f which is such that the off-diagonal elements are drown from a gaussian distribution with average c_out and hence are not equal. If one wants all the off-diagonal elements to be equal, simply set f = 0. The following lines create the matrix $C$.

### matrix C
c = 10. # average degree
c_out = 2. # average value of off-diagonal terms
f = 2/k # fluctuation of off-diagonal terms
C = matrix_C(c_out,c,f,π_v) # matrix C

Given the vectors $\bm{\pi}, \bm{\theta}$ and the matrix $C$, we then generate the ground truth vector $\bm{\ell}$ and the adjacency matrix $A$

ℓ = create_label_vector(n, k, π_v) # create the label vector
A = adjacency_matrix_DCSBM(C,c,ℓ,θ) # create the adjacency matrix of an instance of DC-SBM

The matrix A is stored in sparse format, through its edge list representation. Moving to a dense representation would drastically increase the computational cost.

The following plot shows a toy example of the output of adjacency_matrix_DCSBM on a small network with large average degree and four communities of different sizes.

Load a real graphs

At, at the directory datatasets one can find some real datasets on which our algorithm can tested. Once has been unzipped, run the following commands to upload one of the networks

using CoDeBetHe
using Distributions, DelimitedFiles, LinearAlgebra, DataFrames, StatsBase

the datasets are called
karate, dolphins, polbooks, football, email, polblogs, tv, fb, power, politicians, Gnutella, vip

el = convert(Array{Int64}, readdlm("datasets/Gnutella.txt")) # upload edge_list: here you should be putting the name of the dataset you wish to upload

# we let for all networks, the label i.d. range from 1 to n (not from 0 to n-1)

if minimum(el) == 0
    el[:,1] = el[:,1] .+ 1
    el[:,2] = el[:,2] .+ 1

fs = vcat(el[:,1],el[:,2]) # symmetrize the edges (ij), (ji)
ss = vcat(el[:,2],el[:,1])

edge_list = hcat(fs,ss) # create edge list
n = length(unique(edge_list)) # find the value of n
A = sparse(edge_list[:,1],edge_list[:,2], ones(length(edge_list[:,1])), n,n) # create sparse adjacency matrix

The references for the datasets are

  • Karate : Wayne W Zachary. An information flow model for conflict and fission in small groups.Journalof anthropological research, 33(4):452–473, 1977.
  • Dolphins : David Lusseau, Karsten Schneider, Oliver J Boisseau, Patti Haase, Elisabeth Slooten, andSteve M Dawson. The bottlenose dolphin community of doubtful sound features a largeproportion of long-lasting associations.Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 54(4):396–405,2003.
  • Polbooks :
  • Football : Michelle Girvan and Mark EJ Newman. Community structure in social and biological networks.Proceedings of the national academy of sciences, 99(12):7821–7826, 2002.
  • Polblogs: Lada A Adamic and Natalie Glance. The political blogosphere and the 2004 us election:divided they blog. In Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on Link discovery,pages 36–43. ACM, 2005.

All other datasets are taken from the Stanford Network Analysis Project website page

  • Jure Leskovec and Andrej Krevl. SNAP Datasets: Stanford large network dataset collection., June 2014.

Infer the community structure from $A$

Once we have the matrix A, we can run our Algorithm for community detection. This is done through the function community_detection_optimal_BH which is an efficient implementation of Algorithm 2 of A unified framework for spectral clustering in sparse graphs. Below you can find the basic use of this function (run on Political blogs) with the typical output of the function. For more details see the documentation of community_detection_optimal_BH.

verbose = 1; #set to 0 for no verbosity; 1 for some verbosity; 2 for full verbosity
k_prior = 2; # if you know k in advance, set it here. If not, it is estimated
cluster = community_detection_optimal_BH(A; k = k_prior, verbose = verbose) # run the community detection algorithm

printstyled("\nThe modularity obtained is: mod = ", cluster.modularity; color = 9)
o Computing the largest eigenvalue of the non-backtracking matrix : found ρ = 72.55957935536169.

o Estimating the parameters ζ and their corresponding informative eigenvectors:
Estimating ζ_2: found ζ_2 = 1.134. The residual of the associated eigenvector is 0.0002

o Running k-means


The modularity obtained is: mod = 0.4253096108332699