Community detection in sparse time-evolving graphs with a dynamical Bethe-Hessian


This article considers the problem of community detection in sparse dynamical graphs in which the community structure evolves over time. A fast spectral algorithm based on an extension of the Bethe- Hessian matrix is proposed, which benefits from the positive correlation in the class labels and in their temporal evolution and is designed to be applicable to any dynamical graph with a community structure. Under the dynamical degree-corrected stochastic block model, in the case of two classes of equal size, we demonstrate and support with extensive simulations that our proposed algorithm is capable of making non-trivial community reconstruction as soon as theoretically possible, thereby reaching the optimal detectability threshold and provably outperforming competing spectral methods

In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33 (NIPS 2020)
Lorenzo Dall'Amico
Lorenzo Dall'Amico
Postdoctoral fellow

I am currently a postdoctoral fellow at the ISI foundation in Turin, Italy.